LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS: An in-depth look at Bible prophecy, current events, and how they relate to you, unpacks the book of Revelation and other end time prophecies.
In this book, you will discover the possible meanings of symbols, the identity of the two witnesses, profiles of the Antichrist and the false prophet, what the Mark of the Beast could be (and how it may be enforced), the Second Coming of Christ at the battle of Armageddon, and much more. You will also see how modern technology, widespread pandemics, and world leaders are setting the stage for prophecy to be fulfilled.
Throughout this book, I have used the Bible to interpret itself, to unravel the timeline and tie it together with current events, to prove that we are truly Living in the Last Days before Christ returns.
If Bible prophecy is new to you, this book will fill in some of the blanks and help you understand and prepare for these events. If you are knowledgeable of end time prophecies, I believe you will also find new things to explore.
Living in the Last Days will soon be available to pre-order and will be released on February 8, 2022.